Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE - Leigh L. Klotz

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Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe
1. Descripción

Microcontroller technology has exploded in popularity among ham radio operators. The new generation of single-board microcontrollers is easier than ever to use, bringing together hardware and software for project-building most radio amateurs can easily dive into. With inexpensive microcontroller platforms-such as the popular open-source Arduino board-along with readily available parts, components and accessory boards, the possibilities are limitless: beacon transmitters, keyers, antenna position control, RTTY and digital mode decoders, waterfall displays, and more.

2. Contents:

1 CQ DX - A Ham's "Hello World!"
2 Timber: An APRS Data logger
3 Customizing the Data logger
4 QRSS: Very Slow Sending
5 Multimode Transmitter Shield
6 Thermic: a High Voltage, High Frequency, and High Temperature Data Logger
7 Airgate: A Receive-Only, Low-Power APRS iGate
8 Axekey: A Simple PICAXE Keyer
9 Sunflower Solar Tracker
10 Pharos: A PICAXE CW Beacon Keyer
11 N6SN Nanokeyer
12 Time Out: A Handheld Radio Talk Timer
13 Hermes APRS Messenger
14 Dozen: A DTMF Controlled SSTV Camera
15 Marinus: An APRS Display
16 Cascata: An Arduino Waterfall
17 Buddy: A Rover's Best Friend
18 Sweeper: An Ardulno SWR Scanner
19 Swamper: A Cypress Waterfall for 2.4 GHz

3. Datos Técnicos del Libro:

Nº de páginas: 351 Pags.
Idioma: English
Formato: pdf,
Peso: 29 MB

4. Link de descarga:

5. Guía de descarga:

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