Arduino Android Projects for the Evil Genius - Simon Monk

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Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius
1. Description Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius

Discover how to create cool Arduino devices that “talk” to Android smartphones and tablets!
Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius brings two popular open-source technologies together with a series of hands-on projects that marry the worlds of touch-screen devices and physical computing. The book covers the Android Open Application Development Kit and USB interface, showing you how to use it with the basic Arduino platform. Other projects demonstrate methods of communication between Android and Arduino—including sound, Bluetooth, and WiFi/Ethernet—that don’t require the ADK at all.

2. Contents:

Part One: Android Peripherals

1. Bluetooth Robot
2. Android Geiger Counter
3. Android Light Show
4. TV Remote
5. Temperature Logger
6. Ultrasonic Range Finder

Part Two: Home Automation

7. Home Automation Controller
8. Power Control
9. Smart Thermostat
10. RFID Door Lock
11. Signaling Flags
12. Delay Timer

3. Datos Técnicos del Libro:

Nº de páginas: 135 Pags.
Idioma: English
Formato: pdf, rar
Peso: 11 MB

4. Link de descarga:

5. Guía de descarga:

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