Arduino Robotics - John-David Warren, Josh Admas and Harald Molle

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Arduino Robotics, John-David Warren

1. Descripción

This book will show you how to use your Arduino to control a variety of different robots, while providing step-by-step instructions on the entire robot building process. You'll learn Arduino basics as well as the characteristics of different types of motors used in robotics. You also discover controller methods and failsafe methods, and learn how to apply them to your project. The book starts with basic robots and moves into more complex projects, including a GPS-enabled robot, a robotic lawn mower, a fighting bot, and even a DIY Segway-clone. 
Introduction to the Arduino and other components needed for robotics Learn how to build motor controllers  Build bots from simple line-following and bump-sensor bots to more complex robots that can mow your lawn, do battle, or even take you for a ride.

2. Contents:

  • The Basics
  • Arduino for Robotics
  • Let’s Get Moving
  • Linus the Line-Bot
  • Wally the Wall-Bot
  • Making PCBs
  • The Bug-Bot
  • Explorer-Bot
  • RoboBoat
  • Lawn-Bot 400
  • The Seg-Bot
  • The Battle-Bot
  • Alternate Control

3. Datos Técnicos del Libro:

Nº de páginas: 200 Pags.
Idioma: English
Formato: pdf,
Peso: 19 MB

4. Link de descarga:

5. Guía de descarga:

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