Concrete Technology - A.M. Neville & J.J. Brooks, 2da Edition

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1. Descripción

This book is aimed principally at university, college and polytechnic students who wish to understand concrete for the purpose of using it in professional practice. Because the book is written in English and because it uses both SI and the so-called old Imperial units of measurement, the book is of interest and value in many countries, probably world wide.

The large incidence of material (as distinct from structural) failure of concrete structures in recent years - bridges, buildings, pavements and runways - is a clear indication that the professional engineer does not always know enough about concrete. Perhaps, in consequence of this ignorance, he or she does not take sufficient care to ensure the selection of correct ingredients for concrete making, to achieve a suitable mix, and to obtain a technically sound execution of concrete works. The effects of climate and temperature, and of exposure conditions, do not always seem to be taken into account in order to ensure lasting and durable concrete structures.

The remedy lies in acquiring appropriate knowledge at the same time as structural design is learned, because the purpose of understanding concrete and its behaviour is to support the structural design so that its objectives are fully achieved and not vitiated by the passage of time and by environmental agencies. Indeed, the structural designer should be adequately familiar with concrete so that structural detailing is predicated on a sound understanding of how concrete behaves under load, under temperature and humidity changes, and under the relevant conditions of environmental and industrial exposure. This book set out to meet those needs.

Since construction is governed by contractual documents and specifications, the various properties of concrete have to be described in terms of national standards and recognised testing methods. The book refers to the important British, European and American standards and shows how they link to the essential features of concrete behaviour.

An engineer involved in construction of a concrete structure, from a dam to a runway, from a bridge to a high-rise building, must design the concrete mix; unlike steel, this cannot be bought by reference to a supplier’s catalogue. The book discusses, with full examples, two of the most widespread methods of mix design, one American, the other British.

Producing a second edition of a book requires an explanation or even justification. We can offer two.

First, in the 22 years since Concrete Technology was published - yes, it was in 1987 - there have been advances and changes in concrete technology. 

2. Contenido del Libro:

1 Concrete as a structural material

2 Cement
3 Normal a2 are sate
4 Quality of water
5 Fresh concrete
6 Strength of concrete
7 Mixing, handling, placing, and compacting concrete
8 Admixtures

9 Temperature problems in concreting
10 Development of strength
11 Other strength properties
12 Elasticity and creep
13 Deformation and cracking independent of load
14 Permeability and durability
15 Resistance to freezing and thawing
16 Testing
17 Conformity with specifications
18 Lightweight concrete
19 Mix design
20 Special concretes
21 An overview

3. Datos Técnicos del Libro:

Nº de páginas: 460 págs.
Idioma: Español
Formato: pdf, rar
Peso: 13 MB

4. Link de descarga:

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Tecnologías del Concreto



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